Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mr. Postcard

Allright. So today, I met Mr. Postcard, a moderater for Club Penguin. He's the one who creates the backgrounds for famous penguins like Rockhopper and Penguin Band etc. I found him at the Dock. Then he went to the Dance Club, then the Dojo, then the Hide Out, then a penguins igloo. If you asked him for a certain famous penguin's background, he gave it to you. Sence I have all the backgrounds, I kept shouting Billy Bob. But it was a great experience, to meet someone who runs Club Penguin. He told us he was going on vacation for 2 weeks, starting tomarrow morning. Then he left. :)


Jkfrt said...

I knew he was from Club Penguin because people were asking him what the next color was. (maroon, aqua, or lavender)

Fuzzy Snails said...

Did he answer them???

Jkfrt said...

Oh. No, he kept saying "I can't say"

Fuzzy Snails said...

Oh. :( That would have been cool if he did though. :D