Saturday, September 12, 2009


Whoo-hoo!! Well, three things all at once here. The Penguin that Time Forgot stage is back. Ta-da! And the weird thing is, there are black puffles all over the island. Whenever you or someone else get's near them; while wearing the ninja suit or mask; they catch on fire. Some say that Club Penguin is comming out with a new puffle, the Ninja Puffle. They say you have to be a member and a ninja to own this puffle. But I'm not quite sure.
Also, they have new postcards. One about finding the new pin (by the way, the pins are starting to be really big!), one about re-decorating your igloo, one about puffle preformances, and one about The Penguins that Time Forgot.
I'm not going to update every Monday anymore. No, insead, I'll just update whenever I can, and whenever there is news. I will only post stuff on Webkinz when something really big is happening. I will get rid of Jkfrt's Quotes, on account of that I can't really think of much. I will still update the Awesomely Dressed Penguin of the Week every Monday. (well, I'll try) ;)


Jkfrt said...

So does thake sence?

Jkfrt said...

Sorry I ment does this make sence?